Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A California Winter's Garden

I haven't posted or visited any one's blog in over 2 weeks. We have had so much drama here, my husband has been in the hospital with a knee replacement, my dog Buck got hit by a car (he is OK now), my little dog Buster the Shiz Tzu bit a friend's little girl in the face so bad she had to have plastic surgery, oh, the list goes on! My only escape is my beautiful garden. I love to walk through it and see what is blooming. We have had a week of hot weather, then a week of cold and rainy weather and my flowers think it's spring time! Come walk with me through my garden and see what is blooming in a California Winter's Garden!

Some of my Irises are starting to flower

My daffodils and bulb plants are just starting to bloom

Thanks for walking with me today through my garden!


  1. So sorry to hear about all your trials! Hope the hubby (and your poor doggie) are feeling better.
    Your garden is beautiful and makes me so homesick for California. We hope to make the trip to see the grandbabies in a few weeks. The pattern for the pillowcase dress is on the internet. http://www.jenleheny.com/pillowcase-dress-instructions or for a video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtuGUB-jsH8&feature=related Mimi

  2. I'll walk through your gardens any day you want me to!! Beautiful...and my what some drama you have had...here's hoping everything calms down around there.

  3. My goodness you sure have had a lot of troubles all at once! I can see why a walk through your gardens would cheer you. I hope your husband and the little girl are both doing okay.

  4. your garden is beautiful...so sorry to hear of all your bad news...hope everyone is recovering well...

  5. Oh, Ann! I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope and pray that everything gets better for you soon and that all will be well.

    Your garden is, indeed, lovely!



  6. So sorry to hear all of the bad news and hope everyone is healing well. Your flowers would certainly do the trick of making one feel better - they are lovely!

  7. Ann, your garden is gorgeous any time of the year.

    I'm glad your husband is home where you can pamper him.

    Thanks for your prayers.

  8. ooohhh your flowers are beautiful. I saw a little crocus the other day and it made my heart sing. It's still way to cold here for any blooms.

  9. A beautiful winter garden! I long for spring flowers, it has been a long winter! Kerrie

  10. Thanks for the walk! I would love to see just one little bloom. I think I'd even be happy to see grass! Jean

  11. Ohhhh, I loved it..needed it and want it! Very pretty, thanks for sharing! Come say hi :D

  12. I am so very sorry life has piled all this upon you. I will add your hubby to my prayer list, and that he has a speedy recovery!

    Now on the flip side, seein' all your beautiful flowers just made my day. Every thing is still brown, baron and nineteen here in the Ozarks. Thanks for the garden tour, I sooooo needed that.

    Ya'll have a greatly blessed day!

  13. Wow, Ann, you've sure been going through it! I've had both of my knees replaced with two separate surgeries, and I can tell you that it is the MOST painful of all surgeries. Tell your husband that it is vital that he do the exercises.

  14. Your garden is so beautiful. Hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday!!!! Cheers, Lia

  15. Your garden is simply beautiful! I have a California garden too, and it sure doesn't look like yours...I'll need to tend to it this weekend - you've inspired me!
