Thursday, January 7, 2010

My Sweet Friend is gone

It's hard for me to write this, but my girl friend for the past 44 years has passed away. We became friends when we were 15 years old. They use to call us Lucy and Ethel. We were always getting in some kind of trouble throughout high school. We were in each other's weddings and we celebrated the births of our children together. We had lost contact for a few years and I posted my profile on hoping she was looking for me too. It only took her a month to find me there! She called me one day and said she was fighting the biggest fight of her life, breast cancer. Through the past two years, despite her courageous battle with cancer, she always made me laugh. She use to tell me how precious life is, and never to take anything for granted. We would meet for lunch or I would take her to doctors appointments. The whole time we would laugh, she had so much courage, hope and strength. I am going to miss her....


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss...what a beautiful lady...

  2. I'm so sorry. Will keep you in my prayers.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear of your dear friend's passing. Will keep you in my prayers during this difficult time.

  4. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of a special friend. You indeed have special memories of her.



  5. How great to have a good friend and how sad to see them suffer.

  6. Oh - I amso sorry for your loss. You probably already participate in Pink Saturday (Beverly's event at How Sweet The Sound). Maybe you could do your in honor of your friend!

  7. Ann, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. Am sending hugs to you right now...



  8. Oh..thats so sad! I'm sorry that she died..cancer is a dirty word for sure. Death is good for the person who has been suffering but sad for us to loose them. One day you will see here again and the friendship will be even deeper and dearer. Come say hi :D

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs and prayers to you!!

  10. It's horrible when we lose a good friend. They are very difficult to find so when they are lost - there is noting to replace them but the wonderful memories in your heart.

  11. My heart is aching for you. I pray the Lord will hold you up during this very painful time. I hope all your wonderful memories of the friendship you shared will comfort you. I'm sending you a great big hug. -Terri

  12. Oh, Ann... I'm so sorry- I'm sure she was a very beautiful and special lady. ((HUG))

  13. Sorry Anne, that is so sad. Cancer is awful, I'm glad you had time with her to laugh again, and be best friends again.
