Thursday, October 23, 2008

Giveaway gift I received

A while back I entered a giveaway on Dawn 4:53 am blog. It was her 1000th post! I was so happy to hear I won and last week I received her box in the mail.

It came all wrapped up in pretty lavender tissue paper and a pretty lace ribbon.

She included a very nice hand written note....

She sent me a beautiful handmade eye glass case. There is such pretty detailed work on this with hand stitching, beads, a ribbon and button closure! I just love the fabric she used!
She also sent me some extra chocolate goodies and a yummy candle
Thank you Dawn for sending me these lovely gifts and congratulations on your 1000th post!


  1. Congratulations on this fabulous win!

    Anne, I have some awards I'd like to share with you.

  2. Congratulations on your win and wow a 1000th post!!!

  3. Congratulations! Enjoy your new goodies! Have a great day!

  4. Annie, thank you for your comment on my daughter's kitchen.

    Congrats on your win. Mmmm chocolate and very pretty glasses holder, plus a sweet candle. Lucky you.

    Your 17th grandybaby is beautiful for a brand new photo. the best gift of all.

    Hugs and best wishes on being a grandma again...Jeanne

  5. Ann, how very exciting!!!! Congratulations on the win! The eye case is so sweet and her handiwork is beautiful! What a lovely giveaway!!!!

    Have a wonderful day!


  6. Congrats, Miss Annie!!! The chocolate alone would have been a nice treat for me, but the eyeglass case is gorgeous!!!

  7. You lucky girl. Congratulations again. Mimi
