Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Some New Additions to Green Acres!

This week we had some new additions to Green Acres!  I finally convinced my sweet husband (after 5 years) that I just can't live without having some chickens.  I just LOVE my new little babies!

This is Susie.  She is a White Silkie.  She is so sweet!

This is Geraldine.  She is a White Leghorn Hen. She is a couple of weeks older than the other chicks and she acts like a Mommy to the little ones!

This is Henrietta.  She is a Buff Orpington Hen.

This is Rosie.  She is a Frizzle Hen.  She is soooo cute!!

This is Buttercup.  She is a Rhode Island Red Hen.

This is Pickles.  She is a Barred Rock Hen.

Soooo, when I went to buy these baby chicks at a Ranch the other day,  they had two other cute things that I just had to take home.  My husband was not amused....LOL  So here is:

This is Peter.  He is a Peacock!!

And this is Tom.  He is a Tom Turkey!!  He has quite the personality!

I am just finishing up the final touches of my Chicken Coop and I will post pictures as soon as I am done.  It is bright Yellow and I have been hanging up some of my vintage signs on the outside and inside. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bloomin' Tuesday

The weather is starting to cool down a bit.  Its still in the 80s-90s but you can tell the nights are starting to get cooler.  We don't have actual Fall here in Southern California, the weather just cools down a bit.

I just went out and took some random shots of some of my flowers for Bloomin' Tuesday.

My favorite rose bush, Betty Boop!

After 4 years I finally get my first lime on my tree!
Some of my Red Cabbage that the wild animals and Charlie the Turtle haven't found in my garden yet!
Some roses from the Rose Garden

I am hooking up today with Jean at MsGreenThumbJean's Blog for Bloomin' Tuesday!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Pink Mosaic Shabby Chic Chalk Board

This is a Chalk Board I just got done with.  It is shaped like a house with half of it a chalk board and the other half with twine to hang pictures or cards.  It even has a shelf at the bottom for chalk.

I used broken china plates pieces and pink glass and made a cute design up at the top in Mosaic
I have listed this for sale in my Etsy store  AnneFannie.etsy.com

For more Pink Saturday posts be sure to go visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for Pink Saturday!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pumpkin Head Kitty

Do you ever search through the Treasuries at Etsy.com and look for something to buy?  Last week I was looking through the Treasuries and I came across something I just had to have for Evil Kitty.

Is this funny or what?  It's a hand knitted orange pumpkin hat for your kitty!  Look how happy Evil Kitty is to be wearing it? 
When the package came and I pulled it out of the package my husband takes one look at it and says "Now that was a impulse buy".

You have to go check out this lady's Etsy Store.  It's called Scooter Knits.  She makes all kinds of knitted hats for your kitty, witch's hat, a candy corn hat, reindeer hat, etc.  They are great!

All ready for fall!