Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Bloomin' Tuesday

Today I am joining Jean at Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog for Bloomin' Tuesday.

It has been so hot here lately that my garden is really suffering.  The last couple days it has been around 110.  Very hot! 

I thought I would show you my Plumeria flowers.  They seem to be doing really well in this heat!   These are the Hawaiian flowers that you make a Lei out of!  I have 6 plants in my garden. They are very hard to grow!

These are my yellow Plumeria flowers.  I also have pink and white ones!

Have you ever tried to make a Hawaiian Lei?  It is really easy.  It takes around 50 Plumeria Blossoms to make a 40" lei.  Pick them and spray them with water to keep them fresh.  Take a large stainless steel needle with fishing line or strong thread and thread it through the center of each flower.   After you have all the flowers on the string tie the end!  That is it!  It is very easy and they not only smell so good but they make a great gift for someone to wear on a special day!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Animal News at the Green Acres Cottage

We have had a lot of excitement around here lately.......ever since Miss Molly came to live with us.
Someone dumped her next to our property about 7 months ago.   How can someone be so mean to a lovable dog?  Well, Miss Molly is full of it.  I am guessing someone had enough of her. 

We are on the 4th Golf Cart seat to replace thanks to Miss Molly.
She also chews all our sprinkler heads.  Last month I got a water bill over $800 because she chewed the top off the sprinkler controls while we were gone. And our electric gate stopped working today.  My husband noticed the antenna is all chewed up.   She is quite the hunter too.    She will catch and kill anything that comes into our yard.  Everyday I find dead rabbits, squirrels, gophers, birds,crows,  mice, etc.  She goes after just about everything that moves, which might also include something that already lives here too.    My question is, How much would you pay in Vet bills for your pet turtle?   Keep that thought in your mind, we will get back to it later!

I have two African Spur Turtles.   Charlie and baby Charlie.  (They are not related)  Charlie is HUGE, weighs over 60 lbs (I can't pick him up) and baby Charlie looks like a dwarf  next to him.

Just the other day my husband completed a area for baby Charlie to live in till she gets bigger.  She cannot run free through the yard like Charlie does, she is just to small.  Big Charlie tries to ram rod any of the dogs if they even think about going near him.  He can handle himself so we don't worry about him.

Here is the fenced off area my husband built for Baby Charlie right in front of my Potting Shed.
As soon as he got done he put baby Charlie into the area and went to Home Depot.  While he was gone, one of the workers heard Buck our Rottweiler barking like crazy at Molly.  He hurried down to see what all the commotion was.  Now, Buck is a big dog, almost 150 lbs and he tolerates Miss Molly but he always likes to alert us when she is doing something wrong.

Well, it seems Miss Molly jumped over the black rod fence into Baby Charlie's area and chewed her top shell open.
It was awful.  I freaked out when I got home and scooped up Baby Charlie and hurried down to the Animal Hospital.  You could actually see inside under her shell and can see it moving from her heart beats!

When I brought baby Charlie inside the animal hospital and asked if they could help my pet turtle because my dog tried to eat it, I looked around and saw the look of shock on every one's face in the waiting room.  Hmmm, I thought, are they shocked because it's a awful sight or they can't believe that I would actually spend money on a pet turtle?

They couldn't help me there and sent me to someone that could about 35 miles away.  So I drove there and sat till 10:30 pm in the emergency room and waited for my pet turtle.  They told me all they could do is clean out the wound and wrapped it up and said I had to bring it to a "turtle specialist in the morning" somewhere else.   They came out and gave me this sad looking turtle all bandaged up and a HUGE bill in the emergency room.  I started giggling because I couldn't believe this turtle bandaged up and that I was going to pay this enormous emergency room bill and I still had to take her to a turtle specialist.
So the next day I took Baby Charlie to the Turtle Specialist.  Yes, they actually have Vets that specialize with turtles!  They had to give her xrays to make sure she had no internal damages to her organs and he told me that if she survived a week, she will survive the infection.  They gave me shots that I had to give Baby Charlie every 72 hours and they fiberglass her shell closed!
The Vet told me that baby Charlie will get around 200 lbs and 3 feet long.  So it will be a life long thing for her to go to a turtle specialist and get her shell re-fiber glassed as she grows bigger.  Are you thinking the same thing I am?   $$$$$$$$$

So my question before was, How much would you pay in Vet bills for your pet turtle??  Oh my gosh, every time my husband asks me how much I spent on Baby Charlie I can't look at him straight in the eye and turn my head away.  I still refuse to tell him or anyone else how much I spent. 

This is baby Charlie today.  I faithfully gave her those shots and she survived the infection!  She is eating, walking around her little area which I might add now has netting around to keep out Miss Molly.  Also the shock collar for Miss Molly worked great too.......every time she would get near baby Charlie I would zap her!!

I might add that Molly has met one animal in our household that she avoids and will not give eye contact with.  She is afraid of Evil Kitty!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Etsy Store has been featured today!

My Etsy Store, Green Acres Cottage where I make all my handmade vintage style tags has been featured today on the Website  What's Hot and On Top!

Here are some of my Fall and Halloween Tags that I have recently put up on my store!  Some of the tags I make myself using Photo Shop and Vintage images. 


Monday, August 8, 2011

Roosters and Chickens

Today I am joining Shelia at Note Songs for a Rooster and Chicken Party.   I am a Rooster and Chicken-aholic so this is the party I can't miss!

My whole kitchen is full of Rooster and Chickens

 I display all my Rooster and Chicken Plates above the windows

I have Chicken wallpaper around the room
I also collect Glass Chickens and Roosters in every color

I love to collect Vintage Salt and Pepper Shakers of Chickens and Roosters.  Here are just a few!

 I keep some of my table cloths in this cute Chicken Chest
Even Kitty joins me for my love for roosters and chickens!
Here's a Picture especially for you!  I have one posted on my sidebar!
Thanks for joining me today and thank you to Shelia!