Sunday, November 22, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue Thanksgiving Turkey Plate

I am again joining Sally today at Smiling Sally's Blog for Blue Monday

Here is a really cute Cobalt Blue Plate with a Turkey in the center. Perfect for Thanksgiving and Blue Monday!

This week, all Americans take time to reflect on the things that they are thankful for. For me, Blessings come to mind, dear sweet family and friends, my furry little friends, each time I see a sunrise, and unexpected joys throughout the day! I have so much to thank God for, I know he walks with me and lives within my heart.

I am also so thankful for all my blogging buddies I have made through this past year, thank you for visiting my blog and leaving comments!

For more Blue Monday posts, please go visit Ms Sally at Smiling Sally Blog!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Pink Saturday - Lovely PINK Craft Items

Today is Pink Saturday over at Beverly's How Sweet The Sound. I love to join her every Saturday in posting something pink! Be sure to go visit her for more Pink Saturday posts!

Today I thought I would show some beautiful pink items my crafting buddy Donna has made. Donna and I have been crafting together for years. Donna just opened her first Etsy Store, SNOWCREEKCREATIONS! All these items are in her store.

Here is a cute Watering Can she has made in pink and blue broken china plates.
Look at this cute handmade pink rose she has on top! I love these hearts she made with lots of PINK China and broken Mirror

I also like this cute pink dragonfly magnet with lots of beads, pearls and glass!

And here is a cute LOVE sign just loaded with Pink beads, glass, pearls, buttons, flowers and bling!

You can see more of Donna's lovely creations by clicking here and visiting her Etsy store, SnowCreekCreations!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Vintage Thingie Thursday - Vintage Turkey Planter

Today is Vintage Thingie Thursday over at Suzanne's Coloradolady Blog. I haven't participated in Vintage Thingie Thursday in months, so I thought I would today!

I love to collect Vintage Planters. I am always looking for one to add to my collection. I just bought the cutest Turkey Planter that I just have to share with you.

Isn't he the sweetest Mr. Tom? Just perfect to display for the upcoming Thanksgiving Holidays!

For more Vintage Thingies Thursday posts, please click here and go visit Suzanne at Coloradolady Blog!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pink Saturday - Pink Turkey!

I can't believe I haven't posted anything on my blog since last Pink Saturday! Life has been full and exciting!

So for Pink Saturday today, since Thanksgiving is not that far away, how about a real Pink Turkey?? (I didn't do it.....)

For more Pink Saturday posts, please go visit our hostess, Ms Beverly, at How Sweet The Sound Blog!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pink Saturday - All My Pink In The Garden For November!

Today it's Satuarday and it's Pink Saturday again over at Beverly's How Sweet The Sound.

For Pink Saturday I thought I would show some of my Pink in the Garden. Even though its November, the weather has been really nice here in Southern California, today was around 75 degrees which is the coldest it has been all week!

My garden looks so beautiful and colorful, especially all the Pink! Please enjoy the walk through my garden with me while I point out all the pink flowers!
Thanks for walking through my garden with me today, please don't forget to click here and go visit other Pink Saturday Posts at Beverly's Blog, How Sweet The Sound!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Charlie the Turtle Has A New Friend

We have the best family pet, a African Spur Tortoise. His name is Charlie and he is about 20-25 years old. He will live over 100 years old, so he is considered a youngster in Tortoise world. He weighs around 40 lbs right now and they tell me he will get between 150 to 200 lbs.! Yipes! They also tell me he will be over 3 feet long! I sure hope I live that long to see this boy mature! He lives and roams in our secured yard which is 3 acres

The other day one of our friends gave me a turtle he found in his yard. To all our surprise, it is also a African Spur Tortoise! Charlie was very interested in his new little friend. The little turtle is exactly 6" long. That will give you an idea how big Charlie is by comparing them in this picture.
We were all standing around watching to see how Charlie would react to his new friend as I was taking pictures. Charlie would follow the little turtle around and change his direction. He was very gentle with the little turtle. At one time he actually turned and started charging us to keep away from the little turtle!

The little turtle is still to small to leave out alone in the yard with Charlie but for right now he lives in a little home we have made for him. Everyday I let the little turtle out to play with Charlie on the grass.

I haven't named the little turtle yet. Any good ideas??

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Blue Monday - Blue Turkey

Today is Blue Monday over at Smiling Sally's Blog! I love to join her on Mondays and post something blue.

Did you know a Turkey's Head is Blue?? I found out the scary way. About two years ago, I was on my knees doing gardening in my yard. Have you ever felt like something was looking at you? I looked up through some plants and this is the head that I saw starring at me!
After I screamed and went running, I finally composed myself and went back to see what the heck I saw and the creature came out of the bushes to show his beautiful body. It was a wild Turkey! Somehow he had flew into my yard!

He was so beautiful and he was also friendly so I assumed he was some one's pet. He would let you touch him and pet him and he liked to follow you around the yard. My grandson loved to play with him! He hung around in our yard for about a week and then he finally flew away. One of my neighbors told me the Animal Control picked it up walking down the street. I hope he wasn't some one's dinner. I was amazed that something that big could fly and also how ugly his head is. But it was blue, perfect for Blue Monday!

Be sure to click here and go visit Ms Sally's Blog for more Blue Monday Posts!