Saturday, May 30, 2009

Pink Saturday - Happy Birthday Pink Saturday

Today is Pink Saturday over at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound. This is the one year anniversary of Pink Saturday! My first Pink Saturday was July 7th!

My first contribution to Pink Saturday for it's one year birthday are these darling Pink Roses Happy Birthday Tags that I made!

Here is a china cup and saucer I just recently purchased on Ebay. It has pink and yellow roses on it.

A Tea Pot with pink roses all over it
For more Pink Saturday posts please go visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Salt and Pepper

Today is Wordless Wednesday over at Ms Dixie's French Lique, Texas Blog!

Today's Wordless Wednesday Theme is Salt & Pepper

Monday, May 25, 2009

Bloomin' Tuesday

Today is Bloomin' Tuesday over at Ms Jean's Blog. I love to share what I have growing in my garden every Tuesday.

Some of my Hydrangeas are starting to bloom.

Last November, I posted how to cut a stick from a Hydrangea plant and stick it in the ground to make another plant. This is the stick that I used in that post. Only 5 1/2 months ago and look how pretty the plant is already with a huge pink bloom! I love Lobella with its very pretty blue color. I have one area that I have big rocks, and every year the Lobella come back by the seeds it drops from the previous year. The area is shaded in the afternoon under a tree.

I have an area just dedicated to my giant Shasta Daisies. They come back year after year.
This rose is called Show Biz. I have 9 of them as rose trees and they line one of my walkways in the yard. Their color is just stunning.
This plant is called Matiliya Poppy. The flowers are very big about 5 to 6" across and their pedals are paper thin and white in color with a huge orange center. The bush grows about 6 feet tall and it is covered with these pretty flowers.

The whole time I have been walking around my yard, Charlie the Turtle has been following me just hoping for some veggies. I am so glad he is out of hibernation. He makes such a sweet addition to the garden.

For more Bloomin' Tuesday posts, please click here and visit Ms Jean at Ms Green Thumb Jean's Blog!

Blue Monday - Happy Memorial Day

Today is Blue Monday over at Smiling Sally's Blog.

How fitting today on Memorial Day that we all post pictures of the red, white and blue.Memorial Day seems to be the only time throughout the year that the whole nation is united in the gratitude to the men and women in the Armed Services.

This is a day to remember those who paid for our freedom

To remember those that still bear the pain of warTo mourn with those that have lost a loved one
I am truly grateful for the men and women in the Armed Services in the past, present and future. May God keep you and your families safe.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pink Saturday - Pink Gladiolus

Today is Pink Saturday over at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound.

I thought I would show pictures of a beautiful flower that comes in a variety of colors, but PINK is my favorite! PINK GLADIOLUS!
For more Pink Saturday Posts, please go visit our Hostess, Beverly at How Sweet the Sound Blog!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Show and Tell Friday - Jeweled Picture Frames

Today is Show and Tell Friday over at Kelli's House. I haven't participated in a few weeks, so I thought I would join in today.

Today I am going to show some Jeweled Picture Frames I made using Vintage Earrings, Brooches, Rhinestones and Jewels.
For more Show and Tell Posts, please click here and go visit Kelli at There's No Place Like Home!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Snake in the Koi Pond - Yipes!

Lately something has been turning my Koi Pond upside down. My husband and I went to our river vacation home for 4 days so I thought while I was gone, I would put this net on one side of the pond. It's so easy to get tangled up in it, so I thought it would deter the animals away.

So this morning when I walked up to the Koi pond and found it in disarray again, with plants turned on their side, my floating alligator upside down, etc. I was very much disappointed. So when Buck the Rottweiler started alerting me there is something in the bog, I immediately took notice...or maybe it was when I heard the loud hissing? I found one very mad aggravated snake with its head caught up in the net.

As I was jumping up and down like a crazy person screaming to my husband to "kill it", he started to argue with me that it's a "nice" snake. I'm sorry, it's a snake, the only good snake is a dead one. Yep, I won that argument! And Buck got to stay in the air conditioned house for the afternoon.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pink Saturday - Mosaic Pink Clip

It's Saturday again over at Beverly's How Sweet the Sound.

My contribution to Pink Saturday today is this giant pink mosaic clothespin that I made.
I use it to hang up my husband's "honey do" list. (He hates it)
For more Pink Saturday posts, please click here and go visit our hostess, Ms Beverly at How Sweet the Sound!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Favorite Flowers

Today's Wordless Wednesday theme is Favorite Flowers

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, please click here and go visit Ms Dixie at FrenchLique Blog!

Blooming Tuesday - Color Curb Appeal

Today for Bloomin' Tuesday I thought I would show some plants in our front yard.

Our front yard is almost 3/4 of an acre. I wanted to give it some color curb appeal so this past week I have been working on adding some Petunias around some of the trees. I first added a rock planter around each tree, then I added different colored Petunias.

Petunias here in Southern California will last from Spring through Winter!

Here is a shot of some Bottle Brush bushes in the distance. They are bright red and they add so much color in the front yard. Here are some close up shots of those bottle brush blooms!

Here is a Cactus plant that has the prettiest blooms on it. It hides behind 3 of our Palm Trees in the front yard. I am not a Cactus fan, but this bloom is the only reason why this cactus plant still is there!

Under our Ash Tree we have an area of Coreopsis growing I have to show you a picture of this Ash Tree. It is so big that I cannot capture it in a picture. It sits in the middle of our front yard. It is over 200 years old and is over 100 feet tall and 45 feet wide. We had to hire a special tree guy, an Arborist to come out and trim the tree.
For more Bloomin' Tuesday posts, please click here and go visit Jean at MsGreenThumb Jean's Blog!